International Directory of Philosophy- a subscription-based philosophy database that includes information on thousands of philosophers, university departments, journals, societies and associations, institutes, publishers, etc.
Philosophy Pages- a set of excellent, longstanding philosophy resources from Garth Kemerling
Fallcy Files- a useful resource on logical fallacies
Ethics Updates - a useful set of resources from Lawrence Hinman
Past Masters: Hume Content: The Complete Works and Correspondence of David Hume.
Perseus Digital LibraryOne of the premier sites to find texts from and resources for doing research in the Classical era.
Philosophy Bites Features some 140 conversations, around 15 minutes long, with leading professional philosophers chiefly in the US and Britain.
PHILWEB A variety of resources, both 'off-line' (such as bibliographies, definitions, and surveys of theorists, regions and topics) and 'on-line' (links to relevant URLs).
ADHO | Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) promotes and supports digital research and teaching across all arts and humanities disciplines, acting as a community-based advisory force, and supporting excellence in research, publication, collaboration and training.
Culturomics Provides access to billions of words via the Google book data digitization project and software developed by scholars. For more information, see the entry for "Trending Terms, Digital Books & Historical Data Crunching" on the Audio Archives page of the English and American literature library guide.
Digital Humanities Now Digital Humanities Now is a real-time, crowdsourced publication. It takes the pulse of the digital humanities community and tries to discern what articles, blog posts, projects, tools, collections, and announcements are worthy of greater attention.
European Graduate School (EGS) Videos and video clips of lectures, sessions, and interviews at European Graduate School (EGS), Media and Communication Studies Department, Saas-Fee, Switzerland, Europe.
Introduction to Political Philosophy | Yale Video Course This course is intended as an introduction to political philosophy as seen through an examination of some of the major texts and thinkers of the Western political tradition.
NEH Office of Digital Humanities The Office of Digital Humanities (ODH) is an office within the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). Our primary mission is to help coordinate the NEH's efforts in the area of digital scholarship. As in the sciences, digital technology has changed the way scholars perform their work. It allows new questions to be raised and has radically changed the ways in which materials can be searched, mined, displayed, taught, and analyzed.
Nietzsche Source – Home The Digitale Kritische Gesamtausgabe Werke und Briefe (eKGWB) is the digital version of the German reference edition of Nietzsche’s works, posthumous fragments, and correspondence edited by Giorgio Colli and Mazzino Montinari (Friedrich Nietzsche, Werke. Kritische Gesamtausgabe, Berlin/New York, de Gruyter, 1967– and Nietzsche Briefwechsel. Kritische Gesamtausgabe, Berlin/New York, de Gruyter, 1975–). The eKGWB is edited by Paolo D’Iorio and published by Nietzsche Source.
THE STONE - Opinionator - The Stone features the writing of contemporary philosophers on issues both timely and timeless. The series moderator is Simon Critchley, who teaches philosophy at The New School for Social Research in New York.