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Google Scholar is a freely-accessible Web search engine that indexes the full text of scholarly literature across an array of publishing formats and disciplines
Library databases are used to locate references to journal articles, newspaper articles, chapters of books, research reports, book reviews, and conference proceedings. When choosing a database to search you may want to consider geographic coverage, subject specialization, availability of full-text and time period coverage. Library staff can assist you with choosing databases and finding information for your topic. The Library Subject Guides provide you with a quick start list of databases relevant to your subject area.
Tips for Better Database Searching
Librarians can also help you with any questions you have. Speak with them in person or send a query online to Ask A librarian
IEEE The IEEE/IET provides access to full text articles published since 1988 with select content published since 1893 from IEEE journals, transactions, and magazines, including early access documents; IEEE conference proceedings; IET journals (formerly IEE); IET conference proceedings. IEEE published standards and redlines versions and IEEE draft standards. IEEE Standards Dictionary Online. IEEE eLearning Library: all IEEE educational courses through the IEEE Learning Management System.