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Full Text of Laws of Government
Basic Law of Governance [1992]
Law of the Council of Ministers [1993]
Law of the Consultative Council (Majlis Al-Shura) [1992]
Law of the Provinces [1992]
Laws in Judicial System
Law of the Judiciary [1975]
Law of Procedure before Shari'ah Courts [2000]
Law of Criminal Procedure [2001]
Code of Law Practice [2001]
Investigatory Laws and Regulations
Arbitration Law [1983]
Board of grievances law [1982]
Board of grievances procedural rules [1989]
Bureau of investigation and prosecution [1989]
Combating money laundering [2003]
Commercial Laws and Regulations
Foreign Investment Act and Executive Rules [2000] [plus: annexes re. real estate ownership and exclusions]
Corporate Income Tax [2004]
Labor and Workmen Law [1969]
Cooperative Insurance Companies Control Law [2003]
Law of Printing and Publication [2003]
Commercial Data Law and Regulations [2002]
Law of Commercial Register [1995]
Law of Commercial Books [1989]
Private Laboratories - Law [2002]
Private laboratories - Regulations [2003]
Agricultural Fertilizer Law [2002]
Camel Jockey Regulations [2002]
Copyright Law [1989]
Trademarks, Law and Regulations [2002]
Trade Names, Law and Regulations [1999]
Saudi Minister of Commerce Regulations and Laws
This site offers access to a wide range of government business related laws and regulations.
يهدف الموقع إلى التعريف بالأنشطة والجهود التي تبذلها جامعة الدول العربية في مجال العمل القانوني والقضائي و تطوير الأنظمة التشريعية والقضائية في الدول العربية وصولا إلى توحيد التشريعات العربية بما يتماشى مع الشريعة الاسلامية السمحة ومع المرتكزات الدينية والثقافية للأمة العربية في نطاق التمسك بقيم التسامح والاعتدال والفهم المتبادل ، و تعزيز سيادة القانون وتحقيق العدالة واحترام حقوق الإنسان وضمان استقلال القضاء وترسيخ مفاهيم الحكم الرشيد كشروط ضرورية لتحقيق التنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والبشرية ، وذلك وفقا لما نصت عليه وثيقة التطوير والتحديث التي اعتمدها القادة العرب في قمة تونس سنة 2004
International market development
Career Development International
International Development Studies
International Cooperation (72)
International Law - General (162)
International Relations (434)
Government Documents & Papers (36)
Political Institutions & Public Administration - General (240)
Government - Asia (124)
Government - Canada (18)
Government - Central & South America (46)
Government - Europe (193)
Government - Mexico (13)
Political Institutions & Public Administration - U.S., Executive Branch (11)
Political Institutions & Public Administration - U.S., General (55)
Political Institutions & Public Administration - U.S., Legislative Branch (7)