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PMAT001 Preparatory Algebra I | Course Guide: Web Resources

Library materials and useful resources for students at PMAT001 Preparatory Algebra I Chemistry I compiled by Alfaisal University librarians


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Mathematics Related Websites

MathSciNet (Mathematical Reviews) Comprehensive database covering the worlds mathematical literature since 1940 MathSciNet provides Web access to the bibliographic data and reviews of mathematical research literature contained in the Mathematical Reviews Database.
Jahrbuch Database (Electronic Research Archive for Mathematics) A digital library for classical mathematics in the World Wide Web.
Web of Science (1900-present) Includes Science Citation Index.
Combined Membership Directory Directory of members in AMS, MAA, SIAM, AMATYC, AWM, CMS, and SMC
Mathworld A free resource from Wolfram Research based on Eric Weissteinn CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics.
Math Forum@Drexel An open website of problems and puzzles, online mentoring, research, team problem solving, collaborations, and professional development.
MathDL: The MAA Mathematical Sciences Digital Library MathDL is an online resource published by the Mathematical Association of America. The site provides online resources for both teachers and students of mathematics.
PAM: Resources in Mathematics Physics-Astronomy-Mathematics of SLA (Special Libraries Association)
Mathematician Collaboration Distance How many degrees of separation between various mathematicians?
NISTDigital Library of Mathematical Functions A free electronic copy of NIST Handbook of Mathematical Functions. Contains notation, properties, applications, and computation.

Mathematics Professional Associations

History of Mathematics and Statistics

Obtaining Further Help

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  • Check the Library home page.
  • See the Library staff at the Reference/Circulation desk.
  • Use the Ask A Librarian from which we aim to respond to within 2 working days
  • Take a Library skills course - see our our Information Lieracy page.
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