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Library Resources for COM Clerkships and Clinical Electives: SMLE

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General Rules about SMLE

?What is the SMLE 

.The SMLE stands for saudi medical license exam. It has been conducted by saudi commission for health specialist  

Basically, it is an exam that assesses your readiness to practice and/or proceed to postgraduate training. It consists of 300 MCQs which may include up to 20 pilot questions. It is a six-hour MCQ examination with scheduled breaks. It is divided into three sections of 100 questions each with a time allocation of 120 minutes for each part. There are two scheduled breaks between section one-two and section two-three with a pool total time of 45 minutes to be divided between these two breaks based on candidate preference. These MCQs have four options from which the candidate will choose one best answer. The examination shall contain recall questions that test knowledge and questions with scenarios that test other skills (interpretation, analysis, decision making, reasoning, and problem solving)

Furthermore, the exams is conducted inside KSA as well as outside . The dates of the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties exams are regularly updated. You may visit the website to know the test periods as Scheduling may not be available more than three months in advance.


 ?who should take the exam

1- Anyone who will start clinical practice in Saudi Arabia 
2- Those who plans to apply for the Saudi Residency Program 
3-people who studied in KSA, and want to apply in some countries abroad, and there certificates to be confurmed by the original countries where they have studied. 

Application and Eligibility

 ? Who is eligible for the exam

To apply for the SMLE, you must have a recognized primary degree (MBBS or equivalent) from an accredited health science program,or  commenced training in the internship year, or a student who is one year away from graduation.  That means:

1- Students of Medical colleges in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (One year away form graduation, or in the Internship)

2- Holders of a bachelor’s degree or any health college outside the Kingdom, recognized and equivalent by the Ministry of Education.


Applying for the SMLE

When applying for the examination, you must apply through the e-application and include the required attachments. Once your application is processed, a scheduling permit with your eligibility period will be issued. You will receive an email with instructions for accessing your permit. After obtaining the scheduling permit, you may visit the specified website to schedule a test date. Scheduling may not be available more than three months in advance

When applying for the examination, you have to be under one of two categories :
First category is :  your certificate is from KSA( graduated, One year away form graduation, or in the Internship).  In this case, the CERTIFICATION OF ELIGI4BILITY  shuold get stamped form your university; then you can apply directly for eligability Number through Mumaris pluse by doing the following steps:

Step 1 to get eligibility number for saudi prometric:

 Any new applicant who never been classified or registered in Saudi Commission for health specialities need to open a Mumaris Plus account, so How to create a new mumaris plus account
 1- Go to login page 
 2- Click on signup button.
 3- Enter first name and last name exactly similar to your iqama ID/Passport ID. 
4- Enter your email ID and confirm it.
5- Type a password 8 letter, and reconfirm it. 
6- Soon you will receive a mail in your official email ID. 
7- Click on activate account. 
8- That's it!l now you activated Mumaris Plus account.
 9- Go to mumaris plus togin page. Enter credentials. Now you have created your mumaris Plus account.  




After creation of a new mumaris plus account:
1-    login mumaris plus account:
 2- Update your personal details.
 3- Go for professional classification pathway in my services.
 4- Next enter your personal details. 
5- Fill your education details, attach your eligibility or qualification certificate and academic transcript. 
6- Submit work details, attach work experience certificates(if any) 
7- Mention you didn't attended the exam in past.Read and Choose exam(prometric) not done. 
8- Verify application summary 
9- Payment (120SR) for eligibility number.
 10- After reviewing the application they will issue eligibility number with in 2 weeks. You can use this eligibility number to write your Prometric examination.

step 2 : to schedual and write the prometric exam

1- Direct access to the Prometric website link   
2- Go to the schedule tab.
3- After that, you will be taken to the page dedicated to the terms and conditions of booking the Prometric test.  
Click on the icon (confirm that I am at least 18 years old, or that I am a parent or guardian of the data subject and/or test candidate, and that I am authorized to make the consent selection required below in relation to the collection and processing of personal data).
4- Then click on the icon (I agree).
5- Then click on the (Next) icon.
6- After that, you will be directed to the page designated for entering the eligibility number.

 7- Choose the right city
8- Choose the appropriate branch.
9- Then click on the (Book an Appointment) icon.
10- Agree to the terms of booking an appointment.
11- Then choose the appropriate date to book the test dates by day, month and year.

12- After that, you will be directed to the page dedicated to paying the test fee( 289$)
13- Select the available payment method (three methods only: Master card, Visa, american express)
14- Enter the data to pay the test application fee.
15- Click on the (Next) icon.
16- Finally, the applicant will receive two messages to the email registered on the invoice, and the scheduled date to apply for the prometric exam session.
 17- Take the Prometric Exam as scheduled.

Second category is for those who have their MBBS degree outside KSA.  In such cases The eligibility number is obtained by dataflow, rather than Mumaris pluse; however, Mumaris Pluse needed later to see your SMLE score. Therefor, there is one step more before starting the account creation; This step is Data Flow

what is data flow?

Dataflow Group is the official Verifying partner for Saudi Commission. You need to verify all your documents with dataflow. It includes your original degree certificate, Complete work experiences etc.They will issue verification report in PDF form.

How much experience needed to apply for Saudi medical licensing examination for GPs?

You need an experience of 1 year post house job.

How much time it will take to finish dataflow Saudi? It will take about to 2 to 8 weeks, to finish dataflow.

How to do data flow? 
1- Go to data flow website.

2- click on registration her 
3. You will see two options individual as well as Pro, choose individual. Please enter your information in English
 4- Enter your email id and confirm it. 
5- Choose a password and confirm it. 
6- Enter the text shown in image and click on signup. 
7- Soon you will receive a email with details of youp username password and password, also reference number/eligibility number  
 8- Next you need to activate actount using link inside, you will be directed to login page. It will says the account is verified. 
9- Enter the username and passwerd.Just click inside the column of reference number/eligibility number. 
10- It will automatically integrate with your reference number/eligibility number. 
11- Enter the text shown in the image and click on login.
 12- It will automatically opens to a page where it will shows personal details.

13.If you are a fresher and you don't have any experiences then you need to tick on fresher option. Automatically you will be in category "new". The dataflow charges will be 600 riyals for physicians and 500 Riyals for non physicians. Dentists need to apply under the title of physician. 
14-If you are applying for Saudi Council licence for the first time and you have experiences in past you need to choose "new". The dataflow process charge will be 600 riyals for physicians and 500 rilyals for non physicians.It will take 35 days to process. 
15-Suppose if you are working inside Saudi Arabia and have a licence with saudi Commission, you need to choose "Renew". For renewal of cards you need to do data flow again. In this case you need to enter your SCFHS licence number here. Number The dataflew charges will be 400 riyals for physicians and 350 Riyals for non physicians. 35 days will be the processing time.
 16- you want to add additional documents, you need to choose additional documents option. Then you need to enter your previous scths tetererice number Cick on submit. The dataflow charges will be 300 Riyals

After finishing the data flow and Eligibility Number, you can continue from step 1 as mentioned above



Blueprint and Exam Preparation Resources

What is a test blueprint, and what is its purpose?

A test blueprint is a document that reflects the content of the SMLE. The blueprint is the plan used for “building” the SMLE. The blueprint was established by the SMLE steering committee which consists of representatives from Saudi Medical College Deans. The purpose of the blueprint is to ensure including questions related to what you are expected to know before entry into supervised clinical practice.


Saudi Medical Licensure Examination Blueprint
 Section Weight%
Medicine  30%
Obstetrics and Gynaecology 25%
Paediatrics 25%
Surgery 20%


1. Blueprint distributions of the examination may differ up to +/-5% in each category

3. As a validity measure, items are further classified to ensure they sample various dimensions of care and physician activities. Definitions of these aspects can be found below.


Test preparation resources:

The test is a reflection of your general level during your studies.

Therefor, use some external sources such as Questions bank, which you can get through the internet, and high yeld books, such as :



Besides, the authority has made a SMLE Mock test for students, so that you can enter, take the test, know the type of questions and how the test looks. This will help you a lot during preparation.


SMLE Mock Practice Examination:

To experience a test that resembles the actual test blueprint and sampled from the SMLE item bank, you can apply for SMLE mock test. Please visit the Link.



This outline provides a common organization of SMLE content. SMLE central committee continually reviews the outline to ensure content is relevant to the practice of medicine. As practice guidelines evolve or are introduced, the content on SMLE is reviewed and modified as needed. The examination will emphasize certain parts of the outline, and no single examination will include questions on all aspects. Questions may include content that is not included in this outline.

Mastery Level keys:

Level 3: Core knowledge of which candidates must be able to demonstrate understanding.

Level 2: Knowledge of which candidate must have a good practical understanding.

Level 1: Knowledge of which candidates must have some understanding.

For more details please see SMLE Applicant Guide 2020 from page 17-41

Exam Day

Instructions for examination day

  • You will be continuously monitored by video, physical walk-throughs, and the observation window during your test. All testing sessions are video and audio recorded (if applicable).
  •   You must bring valid (unexpired) and acceptable ID(s) (Saudi ID, Resident ID, or Passport) and exam schedule printed out to the examination hall, and present it at the registration desk.
  •   Any clothing or jewelry items allowed to be worn in the test room must remain on your person at all times. Removed clothing or jewelry items must be stored in your locker.
  •   You may not leave the examination hall before thirty minutes have elapsed and always accompanied by an invigilator if you wish to return.
  •   You must conduct yourself in a civil manner at all times when on the premises of the testing center. Exhibiting abusive behavior towards the Test Center Administrator (TCA), or any other staff member of the test center, may result in legal prosecution.
  •   To protect the privacy of all testers, the TCA can neither confirm nor deny if any particular individual is present or scheduled at the test center.
  •   Repeated or lengthy departures from the test room for unscheduled breaks will be reported by the TCA.
  •   You must return all materials issued to you by the TCA at the end of your test.
  •   You are required to sign out on the test center roster each time you leave the test room. You must also sign back in and show your ID to the TCA in order to be re-admitted to the test room.
  •   Persons not scheduled to take a test are not permitted to wait in the test center.
  •   If you arrive 30 minutes after the scheduled time, you will not be allowed to enter the testing hallway, and the session will be considered a “No Show”.


Before the examination:

  • Seeking, providing, and/or obtaining unauthorized access to examination materials, providing false information, or making false statements on or in connection with application forms, scheduling permits, or other exam-related documents.
  • Applying for an examination for which you are not eligible.
  •  Communicating or attempting to communicate about specific test items, cases, answers, and/or exam results with an examiner, potential examiner, or formal or informal test developers at any time before, during, or after an examination.

During the examination:

  •  Taking an examination for which you are not eligible
  •  Taking an examination for someone or engaging someone to take an examination for you giving, receiving, or obtaining unauthorized assistance during the examination or attempting to do so
  •  Making notes of any kind while in the secure areas of the test center, except on the writing materials provided at the test center for this purpose  Failing to adhere to any exam policy, procedure, or rule, including instructions of TCA
  •  Verbal or physical harassment of test center staff or other examination staff, or other disruptive or unprofessional behavior during the registration, scheduling, or examination process
  • Possessing any unauthorized materials, including photographic equipment, communication or recording devices, and cell phones, in the secure testing areas
  •  Any other electronic communication device, not herein mentioned, are prohibited in the examination hall irrespective if they are turned off, and no provision will be made to store them
  • Communicating or attempting to communicate about specific test items, cases, and/or answers with another examinee, or formal or informal test preparation group at any time before, during, or after an examination.

After the examination:

  • Altering or misrepresenting examination scores.
  • Any reproduction by any means, including, but not limited to, reconstruction through memorization, and/or dissemination of copyrighted examination materials by any means, including the internet.
  • Communicating or attempting to communicate about specific test items, cases, and/or answers with another examinee, potential examinee, or formal or informal test preparation group at any time before, during, or after an examination.
  • Failure to cooperate fully in any investigation of a violation of the SCFHS rules.

Frequently Asked Questions

        1. How many times can I retake the SMLE?

  • All eligible candidates may take SMLE up to four times a year starting from the first attempt to obtain a passing score.
  • SCFHS classification and registration rules and regulations apply to candidates who fail the SMLE for two years after the graduation date.
  • After obtaining a passing score in the SMLE each candidate is eligible for two further attempts to improve their mark for the purpose of attaining a better opportunity for residency selection.
  • After one calendar year of the second attempt mentioned above, each candidate is eligible for one further attempt annually to improve their
  • mark for the purpose of attaining a better score for residency selection.


سلسلة تغريدات عن اختبار هيئة التخصصات الصحية لأطباء الأسنان SDLE - Twitter  thread from Abdullah albaraki | عبدالله البركي @Abdull_434 - Rattibha


  2. How is the examination conducted?

          SMLE is conducted using computer-based testing with three sets. The testing period is 6 hours. After finishing the first set of 100 items and the second set of 100 items scheduled breaks are allowed with a total of 45 minutes can be taken. Upon leaving the testing area candidates are required to sign out and when entering again sign in and go through the security check.

Breaks between Test Blocks:

Each time you leave the testing room, you are required to sign out and sign in when you return. You must present your identification each time  you sign in.

  If you take too much break time and exceed the allocated break time, next test block will start automatically and the excess time will be   deducted from your testing time.

   Ensure you arrive 10-15 minutes before the start of your next block to allow time for sign in as the sign process may take more around 15 minutes based on testing capacity.

Test No. of Test Block(s) Duration of Each Block Break Time (Pool)
SMLE 3 120 Min 45 Minutes Total

        3. How are SMLE results announced?

          SMLE contains 300 multiple-choice questions with the possibility of including up to 20 unscored items. Results are not provided instantly. During the window closing period, psychometric analysis is conducted and results are announced within 2-6 weeks of the end of a test window. Two reports will be provided to every candidate, a statement of results and a feedback report on performance in comparison to other test-takers. 

       4. How is the SMLE pass score established?

          The SCFHS brings together a panel of Saudi physicians to define an acceptable level of performance and establish the passing score for the SMLE through a standard-setting exercise. The panel then recommends its pass score to the Central Assessment Committee (CAC) for approval. In April 2017, the SCFHS conducted a rigorous standard-setting exercise with a diverse panel of physicians. Following the standard-setting exercise, the panel recommended a passing score of 560 on the reporting scale of 200-800. This passing score was reviewed and approved by the CAC. This was applied in June 2017. If you took the SMLE prior to June 2017, your final result remains valid as per the approved validity period.

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